40 Days Closer to Christ

What if they decided to hold a concert and every member of the orchestra showed up with their instruments tuned anyway they wanted? I’ve been to a few middle school concerts and I have to tell you that it wouldn’t be good. There must be some standard to which all the instruments are tuned, or else you end up with a cacophony. But not only do the instruments need to be tuned, but they need to be tuned to a Master note.

In my house I have three guitars. (Actually since my kids played rock star with one of them only two are playable, but for illustration purposes lets suppose all three can be played.) If I tune one of them to with a pitch pipe or with an electronic tuner than I am pretty sure that it is conditioned for optimal performance. Now I can go to the second guitar and tune it by the first one. And I can get around to tuning the third one by using the second. Theoretically, all three should be tuned up just right. But if I strum a note on the third one, and check it with the tuner, more than likely it will be a little flat or a little sharp. It is just not quite in tune. No matter how good my ear is, a little variation sneaks in as they get tuned down the line. All three guitars have different tones and pitches but if they are all tuned with the electronic tuner and to the same standard then they sound good together.

It is the same way with us. We can get pretty close to where we should be in our spirituality, in our righteousness, and in our walk with God by sharpening ourselves against each other, but we will always be a little off. We need to go back to the Master to make sure that we are where we need to be. It is Christ alone who is the standard by which we measure ourselves. And it is by Him alone that we will be able to perform as we should. That is why we take forty days leading up to Easter and use it to draw closer to Christ and to reestablish our discipleship.

Forty days is the optimal period to form a new habit, to establish a new practice, and to change the pattern of your life. 40 Days – Closer to Christ is an activity (we won’t use the word program) that can change your life.

Forty is a significant number in the scriptures. When God brings about change, the scriptures often represent a significant event as having a forty day duration. Noah’s world was changed forever in forty days. Moses saw God face to face and in forty days received the word which is still the basis for law and government. The city of Nineveh repented in sackcloth and ashes and turned away God’s wrath in the space of forty days. David became a hero after all Israel cowered under Goliath’s forty day challenge. Elijah lived by faith for forty days after God sustained him with one meal. The disciples were given the mysteries of the kingdom as they were taught by the Lord during an intensive forty day seminar after the resurrection. Jesus prepared with a forty day fast for a ministry which culminated in the salvation of mankind.

We can grow closer to the Savior as we study His life and His appearances throughout scripture. We become the people we should as we strive to lead a life of diligent discipleship. In these forty days we can review and renew the vital things that bring us to the Lord. We can refresh our memories and recall the eternal truths of who God is, who we are, and how we can have a close relationship with Him. 40 Days – Closer to Christ is an opportunity to more fully develop that relationship, so that we may see as we are seen and know as we are known.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 24 ~ Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)

Slavery as a human institution has been around since the beginning of history. We are most familiar with its face in our national record. Slaves were property. Men learned to look upon their brothers as nothing but something they owned and used as property. Eventually some in American society came to accept the idea that you could do about anything you wanted to with your "property." You could lock it in chains and fetters, you could set it free. You could beat and starve, you could feed and pamper. You could maim and cripple - or worse. And you were free to do so. It was your property. But there was one thing you could not do. You would be punished severely if you were caught doing one thing with your property. You could not teach it to read. You could not expose your property to the knowledge that there are choices placed before us; that even though our bodies may be bound, our minds and hearts are free to be anything we want to be. We are free to strive for dignity. We are free to fight to free ourselves from the restraints which keep us enslaved. That knowledge is dangerous to those who would bind us under any type of slavery.

Joseph Smith said, "A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power." When Satan sought to take away our agency – he planned to enslave us so we could not learn and know, and in so doing we could not choose who we would be. He would have all the glory and we would be his slaves. We would not be allowed to read.

Lucifer lost the war in heaven and was cast out. Now that he had been thwarted in his efforts to prevent us from gaining knowledge he would tempt us so we would make ourselves spiritually blind and willfully ignorant. Joseph Smith taught, "evil spirits...have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth." Yes, men would be able to choose their course. But as long as evil had the upper hand in knowledge, it would also hold the power. Joseph Smith continued, "Hence (men) need revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God." Men could only be righteous if they were lawful, and to be lawful they must have knowledge of the Law. Knowledge truly is power.

The thirst for knowledge is part of our nature. I have seen my children when they begin to really want to know something. Sometimes the not knowing drives us crazy. When the serpent told Eve in the garden that the fruit would make her wise, she looked upon it, and the scripture says that it became pleasant in her eyes. She wanted it more and more. It was knowledge. She wanted to know. And she partook. Paradise may have been lost, but attainable exaltation loomed ahead. The children of Eve were given the power to gain sufficient knowledge and deliberately choose freedom and eternal life for themselves. Eve did not thwart God's plan, she put it into motion.

When God drove the couple from Eden, He did not drive them away from Himself. He set them on the course that would save them. He drove them out in an eastward direction. In the scriptures, east "is the direction that represented God. Something that came from the east was representative of the idea that it was of God, sent by God, or godly in nature. If something moved eastward, it is symbolically moving 'toward God.'... Therefore the Fall was not a tragedy wherein all was lost and thrown into chaos...On the contrary, the expulsion from Eden began the mortal journey along the only path that would prepare them for eternal glory; it was a movement toward God in the truest sense" (Alonzo Gaskill, The Lost Language of Symbolism, p 151-152).

The "wisemen" came in search of Jesus from the east. God's house of knowledge and learning, the Holy Temple, is orientated so that it faces toward the east. Christ at the Great and Terrible day "will come from the East" (Matt 24:27). Christ is the Morning-Star (Rev 22:16) which rises in the east. He is the Sun of Righteousness (Mal 4:2) which rises with healing in His wings that we go forth and grow up. We must orient (which is in the east) ourselves toward God and learn of Him, that we may know, and choose wisely; that we may choose to be righteous.

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