A prince lived in splendor and love in the kingdom of his Father. All things were before him, but the prince had no way to appreciate all that he beheld for he had never known want, pain or loss. The prince did know that he wanted to be like his Father who was a great and mighty King. So he went out into the world to seek an education and to gain experience.

The King sought to call back the prince (and all of His children) who had gone out into the world. So He sent out His Eldest Son, the Heir, with an invitation for His children to come home for a great feast. None could respond to the invitation. They had all forgotten. And they had all incurred debts which enslaved them in chains of captivity. Because He loved them, the Heir, at great cost to Himself, paid the debts of all His brethren in bondage. He called upon them to come home. But most still would not. They had forgotten.
When the prince heard of his Father's invitation, he was doubtful and suspicious. But he could not help himself and he would go to the gates of the palace and watch. He dare not go too close to the gates. He was aware of his shabby clothing and his filthy state. He did not remember he belonged there. And his debtor had not told him his debt was paid. He just knew that he was unworthy.
One day he decided that he would come closer to the gate. He humbly approached. As he came near he began to lose his nerve and he turned to go. Just then the gate opened, and his Brother, the Heir, called out to him. The Heir embraced His brother and wept with joy. The Heir took his brother into the palace and washed him and bound up the wounds and sores incurred in his journeys. Then He dressed him in the most splendid robes, and took him to the great hall. When the prince entered the great hall he saw his Father the king. All of his memory came back to him and he was filled with love and joy as he embraced his true family. He was restored. Gratitude and love for his Eldest Brother filled his heart and he adored and worshiped Him forever after.
The Old Testament prophets came to see Jehovah in the light of the social laws of Israel. In that law was the condition that if a man or family lost its possessions or inheritance than a brother, uncle, cousin or some near relative could come forward and stand up for them. This relative could ransom family members from slavery or bondage. He could redeem the original property inheritance and restore the unity and integrity of the family or tribe. This savior of the family was called the go'el or "next kinsman." It was important that the go'el be a family member for only a family member had the right to restore a lost inheritance for the family unit. The go'el was the "kinsman-redeemer."
When the prophets began applying the term go'el to the Lord they understood that the LORD was indeed our kinsman. Jesus is related to us. He is our Brother in the spirit, a kinsman by blood through Abraham, and He has adopted us spiritually. He has every right to function as our Kinsman-Redeemer and rescue us from sin and death. Far from being a remote and distant God, He is our Captain, and the Head of our household. As our Redeemer, He brings us home, restores our inheritance and clothes us in the robes of His righteousness (which is good, because if we were clothed in the robes of our own righteousness we would be arrested for indecent exposure). Christ upholds the creations of His hands, the integrity of His kingdom and the dignity of His family.
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