I am on the road to see both the sunset and sunrise for most of the year. I have to tell you that there are some which are so breath-taking that I have to pull over and take a good long look. Brilliant colors swell and fade, leaving me awestruck by God's handiwork. Just when I think I've seen the pinnacle of beauty along comes another that supersedes all others. No two are ever alike. Beauty surrounds us. Creation is literally bursting with pleasing and inspiring variety. And it is always changing. The Lord is forever changing the face of His creation and making new beauty.
The Lord made man as the crowning work of the creation as recorded in Genesis. He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He gave commands to them. They transgressed and were cast out. But it wasn't the end. Adam and Eve didn't blow it for the human race. The creation wasn't over. Mankind was never meant to stay in the Garden. The creation wasn't complete.
1 John 3:2 says "it doth not yet appear what we shall be." It amazes me how many different metaphors there are for God's continual work of creation in us. And how scary it is that most of those metaphors sound like the process is painful. In Jeremiah 18, the prophet is told to go down to the potter's house. He watches the potter as he shapes a vessel in his hands. But somehow the vessel goes wrong. So the potter takes the nearly complete and hardening clay and breaks it and reshapes it upon the wheel. God calls himself the potter and we are the clay. There are times when we must be broken on God's wheel if we are to be useful.
Then there is the refiner of Malachi 3. God sits as a refiner of silver. He takes the impure silver and puts it into the hot fire where it sputters and flares as the impurities are literally burned out of it. The heat is intense. But the wise refiner knows just how hot the fire and just how long the baptism until we can come forth shining as the sun. The work of creation goes on.
When C. S. Lewis' wife died, he noted that God's plan placed Him in the role of surgeon who must continue a surgery even though the patient is awake and violently protesting. Yet, the Physician must continue else "all the pain up to that point would be useless" and all would be in vain. We knew this. We accepted it. We wanted it.
If only we could see life like Chris Tomlin writes:
I want to live like there's no tomorrow I want to give like I have plenty
I want dance like no one's around I want to love like I'm not afraid
I want sing like nobody's listening I want to be the way I was meant to be
Before I lay my body down I want to be the way I was made.
Foolishly there are those who resist God in their lives. They don't understand the plan. They believe that man is, as Morris West writes, "Conceived without consent" and "wrenched whimpering into an alien universe." They want God to have nothing to do with their "creation," because they do not understand the plan.
In Hanover, Germany, a cemetery contains an unusual gravestone. A woman who didn't believe in God directed in her will that her burial place be made so secure that just in case there was a resurrection it couldn't touch her. Huge slabs of granite were fastened together with heavy steel clamps and securely placed over her grave. Engraved on the marker were these words: "This burial place must never be opened." In time a small seed germinated just beneath the edge of the stone. As it grew into a tree and its trunk got bigger, the heavy slabs were gradually shifted and the steel clamps were wrenched from their sockets. The massive pieces of granite could not withstand the dynamic life-force within that small seed. Man cannot thwart the creative power of God. It will not be complete until "all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth" (John 5:28-29).
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