40 Days Closer to Christ

What if they decided to hold a concert and every member of the orchestra showed up with their instruments tuned anyway they wanted? I’ve been to a few middle school concerts and I have to tell you that it wouldn’t be good. There must be some standard to which all the instruments are tuned, or else you end up with a cacophony. But not only do the instruments need to be tuned, but they need to be tuned to a Master note.

In my house I have three guitars. (Actually since my kids played rock star with one of them only two are playable, but for illustration purposes lets suppose all three can be played.) If I tune one of them to with a pitch pipe or with an electronic tuner than I am pretty sure that it is conditioned for optimal performance. Now I can go to the second guitar and tune it by the first one. And I can get around to tuning the third one by using the second. Theoretically, all three should be tuned up just right. But if I strum a note on the third one, and check it with the tuner, more than likely it will be a little flat or a little sharp. It is just not quite in tune. No matter how good my ear is, a little variation sneaks in as they get tuned down the line. All three guitars have different tones and pitches but if they are all tuned with the electronic tuner and to the same standard then they sound good together.

It is the same way with us. We can get pretty close to where we should be in our spirituality, in our righteousness, and in our walk with God by sharpening ourselves against each other, but we will always be a little off. We need to go back to the Master to make sure that we are where we need to be. It is Christ alone who is the standard by which we measure ourselves. And it is by Him alone that we will be able to perform as we should. That is why we take forty days leading up to Easter and use it to draw closer to Christ and to reestablish our discipleship.

Forty days is the optimal period to form a new habit, to establish a new practice, and to change the pattern of your life. 40 Days – Closer to Christ is an activity (we won’t use the word program) that can change your life.

Forty is a significant number in the scriptures. When God brings about change, the scriptures often represent a significant event as having a forty day duration. Noah’s world was changed forever in forty days. Moses saw God face to face and in forty days received the word which is still the basis for law and government. The city of Nineveh repented in sackcloth and ashes and turned away God’s wrath in the space of forty days. David became a hero after all Israel cowered under Goliath’s forty day challenge. Elijah lived by faith for forty days after God sustained him with one meal. The disciples were given the mysteries of the kingdom as they were taught by the Lord during an intensive forty day seminar after the resurrection. Jesus prepared with a forty day fast for a ministry which culminated in the salvation of mankind.

We can grow closer to the Savior as we study His life and His appearances throughout scripture. We become the people we should as we strive to lead a life of diligent discipleship. In these forty days we can review and renew the vital things that bring us to the Lord. We can refresh our memories and recall the eternal truths of who God is, who we are, and how we can have a close relationship with Him. 40 Days – Closer to Christ is an opportunity to more fully develop that relationship, so that we may see as we are seen and know as we are known.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 38 ~ The Resurrection (John 11:25)

(The characters in the following are fictional, but they represent real people and real dialogues. This was originally written in 2003. The research and the players have progressed since that time)

Prof : So you see its really all in the genes. Dr. Hamer's excellent research shows that the tendency
that some people have to "believe" in God is nothing more that a genetic predisposition. It is literally hard-wired into your biology. The gene is VMAT2. It is why some, like you believe in the unseeable, the unprovable and the unknowable. Whereas, some like me, are free from the effects of VMAT2 and are not so affected.

Believer : But Professor, how do you explain the spirit and the peace that comes from knowing that God exists. I have had these spiritual experiences, and I know these things are true. I didn't just make them up. I have received answers in prayer.

Prof : But that is exactly the point. VMAT2 carriers have mood-altering chemicals in their brains which make them perceive that they are having a spiritual experience when actually it is just free flowing brain chemistry. Read Matthew Alper's work. His research postulates that we all have a "god spot" in our brain. A biological remnant from pre-historic ancestors who needed it for community and ritual to survive in a harsh world. We no longer need it. It is just a genetic determination, like some are able to curl their tongues and some can't.

Believer : Well, what about Christ? Was He a liar then? Was He just a phony? And what about all those who followed Him and saw miracles and wonders?

Prof : My friend, I hate to tell you this but there is no proof that such a person as Jesus actually existed. The "New Testament gospels" are a late fourth century creation. But let's assume that they are real testimonials. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, Joan of Arc, Joseph Smith and others of that type, no doubt were profoundly affected by VMAT2, except they weren't satisfied as being mere followers. They saw themselves as God's mouthpieces. Jesus even claiming to BE God. It really is quite remarkable.

Believer : Well, let's just stick with Jesus. What about the miracles? The signs?

Prof : Well, again, I have to say that we have no real witnesses of miracles. But say the stories are handed down by actual disciples in Jesus' day (if He existed at all). They would have seen what they wanted to see - it is cosmogeny of the brain. VMAT2, again. They wanted to perceive the miraculous in the common, to see the supernatural in the natural. In some cases, it would have simply been "stone soup." Nobody claims they have any food. Jesus talks one person into sharing what he has, and soon everybody is pulling out their secret stashes of food. Viola, Jesus has done a miracle and they were all fed. Healings and exorcisms done by the power of suggestion. Maybe even some trickery involved.
Believer : Okay, say I go along with all you say - what about the body?

Prof:  What? The body of evidence? I just laid that all out for you. What didn't you understand?

Believer : I'm sorry, I meant, where is the body of Christ? The tomb is empty, Professor. You say there is no proof that Christ existed. But there is. The gospel testimonies were canonized in the fourth century, but they were written in the first. Secular historians confirm Jesus' existence. We have as much proof of His life as any man of his age. He lived. He was executed by Rome. Those are facts. Now suppose everything else you say is true. I ask, where is His body? If He is still in His grave than all His enemies had to do was produce the body. But it is not there. Did His followers steal the body? The penalty for Roman soldiers leaving a guard post was death by flogging. And Christ's enemies would have had an explanation to deny a resurrection. So no, they didn't. Did the soldiers fall asleep? Even less likely. Whatever happened in that tomb was without human intervention, and yet, it is empty. Professor, make any argument you want to explain away an "irrational" belief in God, but there is no explaining away the physical proof of the empty tomb.

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